VBeam Perfecta Laser in San Francisco Bay Area
If you suffer from redness of the face and neck, have scars or stretchmarks that just won’t go away, or a variety of other skin conditions or blemishes, Vbeam pulsed-dye laser treatment could be an excellent option for you. Dr. Rajagopal uses this cutting edge technology for treating these and other problems, such as rosacea, red stretch marks, acne scars, face veins, freckles, psoriasis, and poikiloderma. With the help of the Vbeam laser, Dr. Rajagopal can improve, and in some cases, even remove the skin issues that can make you self-conscious about and unsure of your appearance.
Dr Rajagopal discusses using the Vbeam laser to treat red stretch marks on Kron 4, Body Beautiful’s 100th episode:
Remove Surgical Scarring
Remove Stretch Marks
*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.
The Vbeam pulsed-dye laser directs short, intense, but gentle pulses of yellow-colored light (produced through the use of an organic dye) into the skin at a wavelength and duration tailored to affect only the blood vessels being targeted. Yellow light is utilized because hemoglobin absorbs it more precisely than it absorbs other light colors—this is what makes this treatment best suited to treat blood vessel disorders like rosacea, red birthmarks, and hemangiomas. This same technology can also help to flatten raised scars, remove scar redness, and alleviate any itching or discomfort you may experience in areas where you have scarring.
Benefits of Treating Redness of the Face with Vbeam Laser
There are many benefits to this particular kind of treatment:
It is an extremely safe and effective procedure.
It can be an alternative to traditional scalpel surgery in some cases.
It leaves less scarring than alternative procedures.
It is a very targeted surgery, so the skin surrounding the area being treated is protected from damage.
It is an outpatient procedure—you can go home the same day.
Vbeam Treatment: What to expect
When you come in for your treatment, Dr. Rajagopal and / or her trained nurses will have you either reclined or lying down, depending on where the area being treated is located. She will calibrate the laser to match the needs of your particular condition, and then begin. The treatment is not painful, but can be somewhat uncomfortable; you may feel a warming or tingling sensation while it is being performed. The Vbeam laser has the Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) to counteract that feeling—it sprays cool air on the area you’re having treated before delivering the laser pulse, increasing your level of comfort during the process. In cooling down the area first, Dr. Rajagopal is also protecting your skin from potential side effects like redness and minor blistering.
The length of the procedure varies—it can be as short as a few minutes, or as long as an hour or more, depending on what you’re having treated. The number of treatments required also depends upon the trouble area: simple broken blood vessels may only require 1-2 treatments, whereas advanced stages of rosacea can require 4 or more.
Images courtesy of Syneron Candela & Ross Kaplan, MD
After Your Vbeam Treatment
You may experience some redness or minor swelling in the treated area directly after undergoing treatment, but it normally goes away after just a few hours. A slightly longer-term side effect can be the emergence of purpura—a red or purple bruise caused by the laser—but even that will usually be gone within three to five days after the procedure.
To maximize your results, it’s best to avoid exposing the affected skin area to the sun both before and throughout your ongoing treatments, and you should consistently wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 during that time. Once your treatment is complete, you should discuss what to do with your doctor—each condition requires different care and precautions.
Best Candidates for Vbeam Laser Treatment
Almost anyone can be a candidate for Vbeam laser treatment. It is, of course, important to speak to your doctor carefully and thoroughly before pursuing this treatment—every patient is different, and it is important to choose the procedure that is best for you. If you do decide that this cutting-edge treatment is the right choice, Dr. Rajagopal can drastically improve your redness of the face and neck, rosacea, sun or age spots, noticeable face and/or leg veins, freckles, scars, stretch marks, warts, psoriasis, or poikiloderma—and she can do it safely, quickly, and virtually painlessly. The VBeam treatment is also great for FTM transgender patients to treat double incision keyhole scars of the breast area from top surgery.
See also:
American Academy of Dermatology. “What is a Scar”: