Coolsculpting Photos

*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

CoolSculpting®: Non-surgical fat removal with little or no downtime. Available in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Looking for a non-surgical fat removal treatment for your love handles, stomach saddlebags, or outer thighs?  Want to freeze your fat away? NEW! â€“ Introducing the CoolSculpting ® Center of San Francisco

CoolSculpting ®  by Zeltiq is a new and innovative way to remove excess body fat and thigh fat without undergoing surgery! Weather it’s love handles, stomach saddlebags, or outer thighs, CoolSculpting ® targets fat cells alone, removing them in an easy, non-intrusive fashion, perfect for spot reductions.  Needing no incisions, leaving no scars, and offering a quick recovery time, this a great new option to get rid of excess unwanted body fat.

The More Natural Solution: CoolSculpting ®

Cryolipolysis® popularly know as Coolsculpting is the non-invasive, non-surgical, FDA-cleared cooling of adipose tissue to induce lipolysis – the breaking down of fat cells – to reduce body fat.

Developed by Harvard scientists, the FDA-cleared, patented procedure uses a targeted cooling process that freezes and kills the fat cells underneath the skin, literally freezing them and requiring no knives, suction hoses, needles, or scars. Because only fat cells are frozen, your healthy skin cells also remain healthy. Once crystallized, the fat cells die and are naturally let go from your body.  This FDA-cleared fat reduction treatment can help remove the stubborn fat that has been resisting your diet and exercise treatments.  The results are proven and recognizable.  Dr. Rajagopal can help you look great and feel confident from any angle.

Be sure you take a look at the above gallery of Before and After CoolSculpting photos.

If you have any questions regarding CoolSculpting, or wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rajagopal, please call the San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center at 415-392-3333.