What to Expect at Your Breast Augmentation Consultation
Dr. Usha Rajagopal, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Amanda, Breast Implant Specialist/Patient Care Coordinator
Hi, this is Amanda, Dr. Rajagopal’s Patient Care Coordinator and Breast Implant Specialist! I am the first person you will meet during your breast augmentation consultation.
Your consultation is one of the most important stages before moving forward with your breast augmentation surgery. We spend a great deal of time with you at your consultation so we can understand your goals fully and Dr. Rajagopal can work towards achieving these goals.
Some of the main points we discuss:
3D Imaging: We take 3D images of your breasts and simulate different implant sizes. This way you can see how the different implant sizes look on your own frame.
Sizers: We try on implant sizers that are the exact weight of the implants. This way you can not only understand how the implant size looks but also how it will feel. We want to make sure we give you all the tools necessary to have realistic expectations before going into surgery.
Implant Manufacturer: We use Sientra implants! They are amazing quality, provide the most comprehensive coverage, the longest length of coverage, most financial assistance and least amount of warranty restrictions in the industry.
Before and After Photos: We have many before and after photos for you to look through. Dr. Rajagopal has been in practice for over 20 years and specializes in breast augmentation. She has performed over a thousand breast augmentations in her career. Everyone’s anatomy and goals are different, so it’s important to look through many before and after photos.
Recovery: We want to make sure you make the most of your recovery. We will discuss your day to day lifestyle and how recovery will fit in.
Pricing/Financing: We offer financing options that make surgery more affordable with no interest and low-interest plans.
Ask Questions: We love it when you have lots of questions! I recommend writing down your questions prior to coming in for your consultation. It’s easy to forget things you wanted to discuss.
Bring a Friend: Bring someone with you for moral support! It is always great to have someone with you during your consultation.
What are the implant sizers like?
Visualize how your breasts will look with our implant sizers
If you have any questions regarding Breast Augmentation at our San Francisco office, or wish to schedule a consultation with Usha Rajagopal, MD, please call the San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center at 415-392-3333.